Saturday, February 26, 2011


Good Saturday

Not much going on
Aura went to the arts and craft fair at the Convention Center.
I watched the dredging company as they begin to remove the piping running to the north end of the beach and begin pumping sand on the south end. What a mess!

Heres a picture of the biscuit and gravy breakfast last Saturday
Judy, me, Aura, Rich and Don.

Rich's Blog

Friday, February 25, 2011


Good Friday

What a week!!!
After many attempts to hook up with Aura's aunt in McAllen that mission is complete.

 Don's daughter Tonia and her husband Rob and their daughter Hannah are visiting so that's an excuse for another trip to Mexico,

Let me just say this:
Next time I'm the designated driver

The Beer Garden

Scott and Clint in their new hats


I've noticed that after 3 or 4 shots of Tequila the noise level start going up along with arms and the front of aprons

Jane and the bracelet girl
I don't know which one is the cutest

Back of Rob's head and Hannah

Romney, Tonia and Hannah

George and Aura

Yesterday we went on a tour on the Border Patrol Station In Brownsville, it was a very interesting and informative

Now Rich's Blog

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Good Sunday Morning
I know its hard to believe but kite flying takes up a lot of the day, couple that with walking on the beach, eating & of course a little liquid refreshment. No wonder its hard to find time to post on the blog.

I try to do better. I cant blame Fred forever (:

OK Here Goes!

Leak in the dredge pipe

Cooking hamburgers at our place

Aura talking to Bob

Diane taking a seat (She had to be a hillbilly in her previous life, its a wonder her and Fred haven't been kicked out of Quebec for being so nice)

Like I said, Harley always looks good in anything he eats!

Ladder Ball (notice the empty camping spot, just wait)

The viewing gallery

Game cancelled due to arrival of motor home

OK, Get out the cornhole boards and move to the street

It didn't take this WV boy long to figure out its just like horseshoes but easier

Kathy using that body english

It must be serious

Finally He's starting to make sense!!!

Rich & Judy
Rich is sucking up, I think its Valentines Day

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Good Tuesday Everyone

Good trip to Mexico yesterday
Get Ready
Here come the Pics (Courtesy of Romney)

In the middle of the Rio Grande

Looks like they might be expecting trouble

And it begins

These guys are on the roof overlooking the street, they must be Mexican Army, probably infantry,
I'll try to get a picture of the Mexican Air Force, maybe you'll get the connection

And it continues

They got there before us, I was checking on my glasses

Here we are at the beer garden

Romney getting her shoes shined

Clint and Romney
I lost track where we are

But  Don & Kathy are there as well

Us Too


Now that's a bottle of Tequila

They cant get enough of that Tequila
and who can blame them
.75 cent Margarita's

Clint & Romney partaking
and it ends!

Back in the U.S.
Eating B.B.Q at  Smoking Joes
A road side stand on the way back to the island

We look a little flushed, must be to much sun :)

I better get Rich's Blog caught up or I won't get my advertising revenue, which by the way depletes Rich's estate (I hope Shannon doesn't find out or there is going to be you know what to pay)

Mondays Entry

And today's
